The expanding journey is never ending , our goal is to build trustful and long term cooperation with all our suppliers and clients as…
New Cabin Designs-Prime Line –
Starting from 2019 , Prismatec decided to restructure its designs following the trend in the lift industry sector . believing in innovation is our…
CNC Technology joining Prismatec Lifts
Prismatec Lifts furnishing its factories with the newest technology of designing machines . with its technology and precise results , CNC now provides great…
RMI Milling Machine
Prismatec Lifts starts introducing the new stable technology Metal Cutter for precise and exact designs of its cabins and metal work for its elevators…
2017 EU Eco Energy
Synergy1000® lift model was born 7 years ago and already won the Energy saving certificate and reach the sales number of 350 unit worldwide.
Best lift design & features
We work hard to give the best lift design in term of cabin materials and equipment and accessories , to match building design and client needs.
61 Years of experience
More than 6 decades of dedicated hard work we are delivering high end product starting for small residential objects to big entertainment halls.
Service & Support
Design and Planning
- People Flow consultation, energy consumption calculations, building traffic analysis and planning
- Planning and specification with easy to use tools for CAD drawings and BIM
- Elevator interior design with PrismaTec Design collection and tools
Construction and elevator
- Professional project management and clearly defined site requirements
- Proven, efficient and safe installation methods
- Elevators for construction time use
Building operation
- A maintenance contract tailored to your needs
- Equipment assessment and asset management planning
- Modernization solutions for the whole lifecycle of your building