In 2018 we begin the year with optimistic and positive vibes , which aim to further company growth and seeking for more projects and more development in our selfs and our products .
We were able to upwardly revise our projected earnings for the fiscal year ending March 2017 in the year’s second quarter, also we have created great impact and received great feedback from our clients in the past year .
We have reduced the cost of our products , that’s to the technology of new CNC technology that we start using for since 2009 ,helped us to reduce our product cost for at least 10% .
Depending of the global changes we are also changing every year in our policy and in our lifestyle and trying to focus on business segments with the biggest potential , those steps and forward moves are all giving great impact on us as lift producer and as family members .
Our chief engineers and our head of divisions are working hard to deliver our clients the best quality and To satisfy their needs and big thanks to those who support us in cross borders our agents and friends ,we all think in the same way as we should, we think to give the best to the vertical transport market , to Give the safest and most energy saving products with great designs and features .
Our FIRST philosophy is to try to be perfect and to give perfect to our clients , we work hard , day after day we work together side by side with our developers , designers and engineers to create the best product based on our clients needs , we decided in 2010 to produce Customized solution based on our clients needs , and the results was launching our new lift Synergy1000® for new residential bldgs and we have reached the level of over expectation with this product to be shipped and used by already more than 60000 locations between Europe and African Market .
With this philosophy we keep going and growing and with you as client or partner we keep supporting and sharing ideas hoping to be share this friendly relation forever.