2017 EU Eco Energy
Synergy1000® lift model was born 7 years ago and already won the Energy saving certificate and reach the sales number of 350 unit worldwide.
Best lift design & features
We work hard to give the best lift design in term of cabin materials and equipment and accessories , to match building design and client needs.
61 Years of experience
More than 6 decades of dedicated hard work we are delivering high end product starting for small residential objects to big entertainment halls.
Service & Support
Design and Planning
- People Flow consultation, energy consumption calculations, building traffic analysis and planning
- Planning and specification with easy to use tools for CAD drawings and BIM
- Elevator interior design with PrismaTec Design collection and tools
Construction and elevator
- Professional project management and clearly defined site requirements
- Proven, efficient and safe installation methods
- Elevators for construction time use
Building operation
- A maintenance contract tailored to your needs
- Equipment assessment and asset management planning
- Modernization solutions for the whole lifecycle of your building