Total has more than 150,000 suppliers worldwide. Forging trust-based relationships with each of them is a critical challenge for us. Safety, respect for human rights, corporate social responsibility and environmental protection are all embedded in our DNA, and we expect our suppliers to commit to them alongside us.

Over the past 50 years , many suppliers have played a very important role in our company, and which have been excellent travelling companions and which have helped us become what we are today.

PRISMATEC regards its suppliers as a very important part of the brand starting with them and ending with customer service. This is clearly shown in our Management Model.

Many companies enjoy a stable relationship with PRISMATEC, based on providing a good service, reasonable prices and HIGH END product quality. A relationship such as this is dependant on mutual trust and a professional working style. Just as we demand respect, we also regard professionalism as indispensable, and all our suppliers can rest assured, knowing their proposals will be valued with the same thoroughness PRISMATEC requires from them.

There are different laws that govern relationships between companies, however, should any supplier feel that its rights have been violated, PRISMATEC® has all the necessary human and organizational means in order for the Company Management to deal with such grievances.

Likewise, we have always tried to help those that are loyal in their work with this company. Based upon these assumptions, any company that feels it can help us improve and that has the necessary means can approach PRISMATEC different procurement services and will be properly received.


If you are a supplier agent please use this gate to access your back office and the documentation:

To all of them, thank you for your cooperation



2017 EU Eco Energy

Synergy1000® lift model was born 7 years ago and already won the Energy saving certificate and reach the sales number of 350 unit worldwide.

Best lift design & features

We work hard to give the best lift design in term of cabin materials and equipment and accessories , to match building design and client needs.

61 Years of experience

More than 6 decades of dedicated hard work we are delivering high end product starting for small residential objects to big entertainment halls.